Bore Place

Commission: As part of an extensive project to convert a dairy yard into a sustainable education centre, a pair of Windhager BioWin26 kW wood pellet boilers were installed at Bore Place. As well as providing all the heat and hot water for the education centre, the boilers also heat the existing offices, replacing the pre-existing propane boiler and thereby massively reducing both the heating costs and carbon footprint of the properties.

Boiler Type: Windharger BioWin26 kW

Fuel Type: Wood Pellet

Fuel Storage: Above ground silo with suction fuel delivery probes

CO2 emission reduction: 822 tonnes over 20 years

Case History: Known as both Commonwork, which is the organisation name, and as Bore Place, which is the name of the place. Commonwork is a study centre and organic farm with well established programmes in education, sustainability, global learning, health and well-being.

Date Completed: October 2012