Hever Golf Club and Hever Hotel

Commission: After successfully installing biomass systems for both Hever Castle and their Guthrie Pavilion Restaurant, Douch Biomass installed another independent biomass system at the castle’s Hever Golf Club and a further system at the castle’s Hever Hotel in 2014.

Douch Biomass also built a new boiler plant room to house the equipment and a new buried wood chip silo for easy access for the wood chip deliveries. The Golf Club’s biomass replaced a liquefied propane gas (LPG) boiler which has significantly reduced the cost of their fuel. Both Golf Club and Hotel use locally sourced wood supplied by Hever Castle, reducing everyone’s carbon footprint still further.

Boiler Type: Two Herz BioMatic BioControl 350; 79-350kW

Fuel Type: Wood Chip (550 cubic metres of chip per year)

Fuel Storage: Underground silo of 80m3 capacity

CO2 emission reduction: 2159 Tonnes over 20 years

Case History: In the 1920s a private 9 hole course was built on the Hever Castle Estate for the Astor’s personal use; the owners of the time. This original course was abandoned during the Second World War and the current Championship Course was then created in 1992. The Princes 9 Hole Course opened in 1998, designed by Hever Castle’s course manager David Wood.

Date Completed: July 2014